The Easy, Accurate and Comprehensive Real Estate Conveyancing Solution

We took a step back, looked at all of the ways traditional real estate conveyancing software could be improved and created a platform that works the way you do.

Imagine a Busy Day Made Easier

Deadlines.  Fussy paper.  Information and documents from multiple sources.  Processes to follow.  Documents to produce.  Clients, realtors, lawyers, lenders and others to talk to.  Sound familiar?

Designed to make your life simpler, Prolegis provides easier handling and coordination of work load with a real-time overview of the progress of your firm’s real estate files, ultimately facilitating a better experience. 

Prolegis helps by providing:

  • Intelligent workflow checklists
  • Built in texting, emailing and faxing functionality
  • Titles and tax certificate information import
  • User-driven public databases of lenders, lawyers, realtors, mortgage brokers, surveyors, home owner associations, and condo management companies
  • Mortgage and mortgage precedent creation tools
  • Secure online storage of your documents
  • Cloud-based software that allows you to act from any device, wherever you are
  • Built in document creator that builds editable PDFs within the platform
  • Dashboards that show incomplete checklist steps and to-dos
  • Client, realtor, mortgage broker and lawyer portals
A quick peek at the Prolegis Real estate conveyancing software dashboard.

Know the Status of Your Real Estate Matters

Are we waiting on any payout statements?  Have all necessary trust letters been received?  How many lender reports are left to complete?  How can we share the work across multiple people?  How many outstanding holdbacks and undertakings do we have at the firm level? 

If you’ve asked these questions, we can help.

Prolegis helps by providing:

  • A dashboard that aggregates checklist information from all matters to show you the tasks that are outstanding and whether those tasks are late based on your firm’s standards
  • Modifiable global checklists for purchase, sales and refinances with the ability to create specific checklists for high volume clients
  • Follow-up tasks that can be linked to undertakings and holdbacks that are visible at the matter, user and firm level
  • The ability to assign a lawyer and an assistant to each real estate matter
  • Checklist steps that can be assigned to other firm users with a due date

See the Health of Your Real Estate Practice

Wondering (or using other tools to know) how your practice compares to last year in terms of revenue, top clients and realtors, volume and location of deals?

Let us help you.

Prolegis helps by providing:
  • An automatically updated dashboard that shows year over year, and month over month statistical information about your firm, including:
    • total monthly and annual transactions
    • top real estate clients
    • top realtors
    • top municipalities
    • previous, current and next month revenue
A look at the health of your practice using Prolegis Real estate conveyancing software.

Make Flexible Work Arrangements Work

Among the many things we learned in recent years, traditional work arrangements do not always work.  Balancing this against the need to maintain high standards of work, the constraints of existing technology is a challenge for many.  Balance this against the need to maintain a high standard of deliverables, we can help.

Prolegis helps by providing:

  • An all-in-one solution for document preparation and production
  • Communication tools that work from wherever you have internet access
  • A solution that works on a Mac or a PC, a desktop or a smart phone and supports multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge)
  • Secure online Canadian storage of information and documents
  • Login protected by stringent password requirements and two-factor authentication

Take Control of Your Mortgage Preparation

The multiplicity of lenders and lender documents can make real estate conveyancing daunting, especially for those who are new to practice.  The responsibility to do it right, with the right documents rests with the law firm. 

We give you more control at no additional cost.

Prolegis helps by providing:

  • A proprietary PDF editor that
    • allows you to complete the mortgage on the PDFs that have been provided by the lenders
    • recognizes PDFs you’ve worked on before as a precedent for future use
    • creates complex and intelligent precedents for future use
  • A program where you can opt-in to sharing your mortgage precedents with other firms
  • Mortgage precedents sourced directly from lender websites
Getting Started is Easy with Prolegis

Getting Started Is Easy

There’s never a good time to make a big change, but switching to Prolegis is easier than you think.

Our team, from both the law and technology fields, have simplified the process to increase efficiency and reduce risks. Your Prolegis Customer Specialist guides you through the process and you have access to instant chat and robust self-help whenever you need it.

We will walk with you every step of the way.

Our customers that have the most success are those that jump in with both feet. It’s not uncommon for them to feel comfortable with Prolegis by the time they’ve completed five deals.

Prolegis News & Updates

About Us

Simplicity Global Solutions understands Canadians growing expectations for innovations in technology in the mortgage lending ecosystem and has assembled a team of experts in system design, software development and industry insiders to build the best systems available.

In 2021, the Prolegis team became a part of Simplicity Global Solutions. These two exceptional organizations share a vision of a quick, easy and accurate experience from the initial inquiry about mortgage financing to the completion of the legal conveyance of the real property for all stakeholders in the process.

Leadership Team

Scott Archibald

Douglas Bird

Michael Jackson

Nathanael Noblet

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