Check out some features

Prolegis features

Dower enhancements

We’ve enhanced our ability handle dower transactions efficiently and intelligently.  You can now add a spouse to any client/buyer/seller.  When that person is added to a real estate transaction, Prolegis will update the documents based on whether dower applies and whether the person is married.

GST Number

From time to time when GST applies to a transaction, the purchase may wish to self-assess GST.  For these and other situations where having your client’s GST number is important, you can now add your client’s GST number to their client record.

Client’s banking information

You may offer to direct deposit net proceeds or excess funds directly into your client’s bank account at the close of the transaction.  You can now record that information in Prolegis and have it populate the relevant bank deposit letters.

Affirm or Swear

You can now specify for your seller/buyer client whether they would prefer to swear or affirm their affidavits / statutory declarations.

Other Items – Customer Account / Invoice

The presentation of your account to your client is an important piece of the legal service you provide.  To enable greater flexibility in the preparation of those accounts, you can now create other charges on your account.

Seller Interest Rate

The seller from time to time may require a specific interest rate for the purpose of late interest on the cash to close.  You can now select a specific interest rate for that seller that will populate the trust letter, the tenancy-at-will and other related documents.  This interest rate is saved for future matters.

Assistant Affidavit of Execution

The default commissioner for oaths on the affidavit of execution is the Assistant that has been assigned to the matter.  The assistant can set the commissioner expiry date in their Profile.

Auto-Calculated Fee Update

Prolegis previously automatically added the cost of a title search ($10.00) to any discharge of an existing mortgage on a Sale or a Refinance.  This $10.00 title search charge has been removed from the automatic calculation and will need to be added either as a global disbursement or as a disbursement on the matter.